"Alger Gigas - Pink Conch," detail, 10x12, oil on panel, Laura O'Brien, 2023 ©
Laura presents us with a Pink Conch resting in folds of a blue drape. An angular form at the nexus of a strong, abstract design. She pours in bright, warm light, transfiguring the cold, calciferous body into a radiant lantern. Such is the result of the conjugation of light and form: the offspring, as it were, of both. Light energy, emitted in the wavelengths of the rainbow, manifests brilliance and color. Form, the structure of growing things, generated by the processes of life, possesses an organic configuration beyond the capacity of supercomputers. Together, an ecosystem of radiant, chromatic luminosity and sublime design.

"Alger Gigas - Pink Conch," 10x12, oil on panel, Laura O'Brien, 2023 ©